Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Late Teaser Tuesday...

I'm a day late, I know! On a personal note, I've started to go back to the gym but it's really late night (the gym is 24/7) and when I get home, all I want to do is sleep!

Nothing truly new to report, except my progress on Camp NaNo, I suppose. Right now, I am sitting at 14,725 total for Lady of Esperia. If I write about 587 words a day, I will reach my 20k goal on the 16th of April.

I'll let you in on a little secret: when I first started writing the draft for Beyond the Milky Way, I had an urge to start on the second book. So, working on the one book and its sequel at the same time isn't new for me! It makes it a bit easier to have a draft to work with but neither are complete, so after a certain point, I am literally on my own. We'll see how it will fare once that happens!

Enough rambling from me! Here is your late Teaser Tuesday!

“Oh… my! T-That was… most spontaneous!”
“Good to know you enjoyed that, too!” she half-smiled against his neck.
“Yes! My dear Lindsay… I love you so…” he told her, giving her a kiss on the top of her head. Lindsay let out a small laugh and mustered the energy to sit up and look at him.
“Really? Why do you love me?”
“You have brought me so much pleasure during our mating rituals. I-”
“… That’s not a good reason to love someone…” she frowned.
“I did not conclude my explanation. Lindsay… I must confess that you enamored me the first moment I set my eyes upon you. Before the start of our courtship, you made me… nervous whenever we were together. Yes, I was rather nervous around you because… and you will not believe me, however, you are the most beautiful creature I ever laid eyes upon. Out of regard for your previous mate, I did not intrude… and I never imagined I might be your next mate. Oh, I thought of it constantly! My dear Lindsay… my words are abandoning me; forgive me if I appear to… ramble. However, you preoccupied my thoughts throughout the entire day, to the extent where it was an aching desire to be around you. Now that we mean to mate… I acknowledge I am… complete. If I could not have you by my side, if Esperian rule declared that you could not become Lady of Esperia… then I would renounce the claim of Royal Magistrate. Oh… do not weep; I have made you more upset…?” the tears that dropped to Lindsay’s cheeks took Areiv by surprise; he only intended to make her feel better. He wiped at them but Lindsay sniffed and laughed.
“No, silly alien; these are tears of joy! Oh, I love you, too, Areiv…” Lindsay smiled as she bent down to give him a passionate kiss.
It was his signal to leave, and he moved as quietly as possible. After a few yards, even as darkness covered the surrounding areas, he was capable of making out the silhouettes of the two lovers joined still. The tantalizing aroma faded slowly the further he strode away, but he continued to ponder on what he saw. He replayed the scenes over in his mind which only made him recall the conversation: they loved each other. Understanding all that was spoken made him grasp the inevitable.
           “Shit… Lizzie’s leaving us…”

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Teaser Tuesdays 4/4 & Updates!

So, I hit a bit of a snag as far as posting chapters for the various websites I keep the story on. But, everything should be fine.

We're four days into Camp NaNoWriMo and I've started on the second book for the project this month. I set the goal really low so as not to get overwhelmed with trying to finish the first book. Right now, I'm a little over 55K words in for the first book. Word goal for Camp NaNo is 20k; all I have to do is write around 1k words a day and I'll reach that goal by the 20th! :D

That's about it. Still posting every day to every other day on various sites. I would like to have Beyond the Milky Way published by June 14th; we'll see. Oh, book two will be titled: Lady of Esperia!

Here's your Tuesday Teaser!

“I heard what you and Areiv talked about Friday.” Lindsay glared at Bradley. His eyes widened for a moment before he gave out a sigh.
“Okay, it wasn’t what you thou-”
“You told him that it was a bad idea for him to be with me. How do I take that out of context, Brad? You seemed pretty damn clear to me!”
“I just don’t want to see you hurt, Lizzie…”
“For the last fucking time; Areiv wouldn’t hurt a fly! When I called you jealous that one day, never in my life did I think it was for real! So, let’s hear it for real this time; what is it about Areiv that irks you so damn much?” she already knew the answer; Lindsay really wanted Bradley to openly admit it.
“He… he never hid his intentions! Of all the female species here, he’s overly nice to you and you alone…? I’m pretty sure there’s plenty of Esperian women for him to pick from, but he put his sights on you, knowing damn well that you were already married! I mean, come on, Lizzie; he started charming you from day one, and you let him!” the words flew out of his mouth before he could stop them. Bradley knew that they were the wrong choice of words as soon as Lindsay’s eyes widened and she gasped.
“… Oh, fuck you, Bradley!” Lindsay didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of seeing tears in her eyes as she quickly turned to leave. Bradley wanted to pull his hair out for saying what he did but grabbed her arm, instead.
“Shit! Wait, Lizzie; damnit, I didn’t mean tha-”
“You did mean that! Let me go!” her voice cracked as she struggled to hold in her tears. It wasn’t true, Lindsay told herself; Areiv wasn’t trying to charm her from the start. The attraction was there, of course but they both knew she had a husband. She did nothing to make anyone think that it was okay to woo her.
“Lindsay, the truth is that I really like you, okay?! That’s the real reason why I don’t like Areiv, because I saw that he did, too! Bu-” the pain was sudden as Lindsay’s fist connected to his jaw; the punch was enough for him to release her. Lindsay’s hand throbbed in pain but her anger caused her to be unaffected by the feeling.