Thursday, July 13, 2017

Where Have I Been...

It's been three months since I've done any type of updates on here and I apologize. I have gone through some tremendous things that left me unable to do anything, at least have the will to do anything. I'm getting better and my mind is trying to become more focused.

I won't bore you with the exact details...

Just know that there's been a major setback in my plans as far as publishing. I've updated a few chapters and after speaking to a writer friend, decided to change the ending in order to submit it to an actual publisher.

It seems that a lot of them prefer the campy HEA (happily ever after) or HFN (happy for now) endings because apparently, that's what readers of romance prefer. To each their own... *shrugs*

I'll submit to at least two publishing companies before I go the self publishing route. I'll let you know how much my hair turns gray or how many dreads I've pulled out during this process! :D

That's pretty much all for the update. I'm working on a couple of other stories but for right now, they don't seem to be anything as major as Beyond the Milky Way. Things could change, though.

All I know is that I'm going to owe my friend a lot of money for the covers, if that's the case! :P It'll be worth it, though...

One or two more chapters left before I can go through Milky Way as a whole and submit to the publishers of doom... I mean, the publishers! Wish me luck!