Monday, February 19, 2018


I'll just leave this link on here...

My novella is live and I really hope you guys enjoy it! ^_^

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Things Have Changed

Hi, guys! I'm a bad blogger, I will admit this out loud.

Back in August, I told people that Beyond the Milky Way was complete and would go through the process of edits and whatnot. I don't have a good reason as to why the world hasn't been graced with this book, yet but procrastination is the truth behind it all!

I want to talk about online editors for a bit, and give you all some advice: tread very lightly with them.

I was really confident when I started rewriting and posting Milky Way to the sites, thinking that because I actually sent the chapters through two online editing programs before I posted was the reason I got the views. But, it's been proven not the case, sadly.

One program in particular, ProWritingAid is the culprit for my choppy writing as of late. It may be because I'm using a free version and mind you, it has some good sections. But, I've noticed that it checks writing the same no matter what you choose for the style.

This site, as well as a lot of other online ones, check for grammar, writing style, overused words, sticky sentences, etc. If you want to know if your work contains these things, then I recommend PWA to the fullest.

I will no longer advise to heed its suggestions.

What I would recommend for writers to do: read what you have out loud. Our bodies are fickle things, and while most of us have a voice inside our heads, it doesn't compare to hearing ourselves read something. You're more likely to hear something off in your writing than see it.

Read it out loud, make changes, run it through an online program if you must but don't take every single suggestion to heart. Read it out loud, again or if you're lazy like myself, have your Word program read it to you (it's choppy and a bit robotic, and hilarious because it may not pronounce words like they should be pronounced but it saves you from straining your own voice). Then get your beta reader or editor go over it.

But, that's my suggestion...

Anyway. I'm proud to announce that Milky Way will not be my first published project. Back in January, my group of writer friends made this... pact-deal-thingy consisting of us writing a Valentine's Day short and self publishing it. I declined at first because short stories isn't my repertoire. I like set up, and lots of it.

But then I went over the outlines of the stories I was writing at the time, and while the build up to the relationships were winded, the plots weren't. I felt that I would be able to do this.

It was a definite struggle but I finally finished my piece. I've learned that there are different opinions on how many words are considered as what. Wiki describes it as such: a short story is 7500 and below, a novelette is 7500-17,499, a novella is 17,500-39,999 and a novel anything 40k and up.

So, to call my latest work a short story would be lying: it's technically a novella BUT it's the shortest thing I've written aside from writing prompts and I'm extremely giddy it's completed!

The initial plan was for this book to be out by Valentine's Day but alas procrastination won. I have a dear friend right now who is going over it as far as edits, then I'll make the changes, she'll go over it again and then another will proof and yay: you'll get to read/buy my story!

That's basically all I want to share with you guys. I'm also working on two other stories, one that I started posting on Wattpad and my other writing sites. I'll need to get back to work on those and maybe you will get some sort of British man/American woman anthology? We'll see...

Oh! Before I forget: the cover for my latest story!

I don't know who that is but he's yummy...

All thanks to Christina Quinn for making the cover! :D