Sunday, March 19, 2017

Behold! An Author's Blog!

It took me a while to finally figure out how I wanted to go about connecting this blog and my writing. At first, I wanted to share chapters with anyone who was willing to read. But then, I realized that I was mainly a fanfic writer and my chapters are at least 8k...

The blog would have been cluttered...

But, now, with a bit of pushing from writer friends, I decided to take the road of becoming published. For some reason, the light bulb came on and I knew what I wanted to do with this blog: my readers will travel on this journey with me!

Let's be clear. I am in no way a professional writer. I didn't take any creative writing classes. I don't have any degrees to brag about. I've never considered anything that I wrote remotely publishable. What helped me was the fact that I stepped out of my norm. I usually take around four to six months to write a chapter, let Word tell me which words are misspelled and post away. As I've stated, my chapters are at least 8k, averaging around twenty Word pages.

This time? I'm doing word sprints. I reread what I've done. I run it through two editing programs. I've cut my chapters in half. And then I post. I post, if not every day, every other day. I have a system!

The story that I'm working on is entitled Beyond the Milky Way. I don't want to lie to you; it started off as a fanfic. In my mind, it wasn't a fanfic at all. The story was loosely based off the anime Oban Star Racers. And by loosely, I mean the only thing it had in common with the cartoon was the name of the planet and the theme of intergalactic racing. It was a Self Insert with two celebrities. I eventually turned it into a prequel of the anime; it told of the first generation of earthlings that participated in the races.

In my head, I always wondered about the first set of earthlings to compete. The anime didn't focus on that, of course. It was my reasoning for starting the story.

So! I wrote it and honestly named it "Fan Fiction". I had no intentions of sharing it with the world! I was halfway done when the ideas of the sequel came to mind. I started on that (lovingly named "Fan Fiction 2"). Yes: I have two stories in the same series, both unfinished.

I have no idea what convinced me to post it. But, I did. It received one review, saying how hot the alien sex was! I knew that I had to revise it, to take the celebrities out of it. When I did, I posted the revision on another site. I got plenty of feedback (it was forced, but that's a story for another post...) and put the story on hold.

I won't lie: I only listened to half of that feedback. A lot of those people wanted to know more about the aliens I invented. And let me tell you: it was hard to invent them; these people wanted to know about their planets, their lifestyles, their foods...

The point of the story is not with the aliens but more on the two leaders of the Earth team. Perhaps one day, I will make a side story with more details about the side characters. It was just funny that one story I write, people say I put too much detail in; with this one, it seems it's not enough.

I've rambled enough! I'm working on my second revision of the story and reposted it. I'm getting a lot of positivity from it this go round and it was another deciding factor of it being the one I publish. I'm making a lot of leeway with it but we shall see if the world agrees with the seven fans that I have!

My author's blog will be dedicated to the updates of the writing of Beyond the Milky Way as well as the publishing process. It is available to read for free on several sites:

AFF (for readers and writers 18 and up)
Booksie Silk

There are a couple of other sites but they don't get as much activity overall, in my opinion. If you want to know the name of the others, feel free to ask. Otherwise; select one of those links and please enjoy!

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