Friday, March 24, 2017

The Covers!

Ran into a bit of a snag as far as updating/posting/editing. Beyond the Milky Way will contain a couple of sex scenes. And, I'm not good at writing those things; writing them during sprints? Yeah, no. 

In the meanwhile, I want to not only share with you some covers for the story but also let you know that I made the decision to switch the main genre from Science Fiction to Romance. After I received a review that made me scratch my head and complaining to a couple of writer friends about it, it dawned on me that the reviewer was expecting a lot of SciFi-y details. They were disappointed that one particular part didn't do anything for the growth of the characters or flow. 

{SPOILER: the races aren't important...}

Now that that's out the way, I wanted to waste time show you the covers that were made for this story!

1. This was the original cover used on Wattpad. The story was first published on AFF but the site doesn't give you an option for adding a cover. Wattpad does. Keep in mind that none of these are stock pictures. I honestly just went to Google and searched "galaxy". Then I went to Ribbet to crop the photo to roughly 252x400, probably brightened it and then took that picture to piZap and added the font. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy, mac n cheesy! :D 


2. For some reason, it won't center but that's not the point! Welcome to the rewrite! On the far left is the original cover (for some reason my pen name is missing and I can't remember why...). This time around, when I went to Google, I wanted a picture of the Milky Way galaxy... and I know that because we're actually in it, we won't have a picture of the likes that I was wanting. Problem was, this was the picture that appeared when I Googled and I thought the quasar was cool-looking; the title is literally exploding quasar Milky Way. BAM! Cover for the rewrite! The cover in the middle was my actual first one; I really liked the way my name looked but if you merely glance at it, the Z looks like a G. Redo and you have the third pic!

3. This is the baby. She's the one (and as you can see, my background...)! This is the cover you will see when I publish this story. One of my writer friends has a knack for making covers; this was her end result. I always felt that whenever she asked if any of us in our writing group wanted a cover for stories, it was her way of nicely saying: "Your current cover sucks, let me fix that for you"! In my case, they do. I don't have the equipment to do covers the way I truly would like them; she does. When she asked me if she could design the cover, I was all "sure". I gave her the pic of my former cover and after a while, she asked if the galaxy had to be Andromeda and I was like O_o. Those last covers, for those who aren't science and space heads, were indeed of the closest known galaxy to the Milky Way, Andromeda. Damnit, Google! She wanted to do a Star Trek-type theme and this cover was born!

So, there you have it: a history of covers! If nothing else, I am excited to see this in print soon and I hope you will be as well! Now... I sleep!

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